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11 有数字对象的结果 显示有数字对象的结果
Peters Family fonds
CA EDM MS-1013 · 宗卷 · 1915

The fonds consists of photographs of Alberta College student groups.
Harry Peters is in the 1914-1915 Students’ Council of Alberta College photograph and both Mary Mulligan and Pearl Watt are in the photograph of an Alberta College Female Class 1914-1915.

Edmonton Bulletin fonds
CA EDM MS-1071 · 宗卷 · 1911, 1947-1951

The fonds consists of photos taken by Eric Bland for the Edmonton Bulletin in the last five years of the Bulletin’s existence (April 1947-January 1951) (EA-600). The photos include Edmonton personalities, accidents, events, clubs and societies, buildings (including churches, schools and hospitals), commerce, industry, transportation and military.
The fonds also includes images used in the publication 'Edmonton Bulletin Special Edition 1911' (EB-26). This publication gave a history of Edmonton to that point. The photographs include people, houses, buildings businesses, street scenes, bridges and transportation.

CA EDM MS-112 · 宗卷 · 1926 - 1974

The fonds consists of a copy of "Courrier-Sud", Sept. 5, 1972, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the order's presence at Nicolet, Quebec, a copy of "Le Franco-Albertain”, Oct. 10, 1973, which contains an article on the Lamoureux family, and a dedication booklet of "La Congregation Des Souers de l'Assomption de la Sainte Vierge", 1974.
The photographs available in the reference room include Assumption Academy, convent and chapel at St. Joachim, Ecole Sacre Coure, and Immaculate Conception church and rectory. The photograph available online here is of the sisters with children at Hobbema.

Rita Stewart fonds
CA EDM MS-1160 · 宗卷 · 1921 - 1922

The fonds consists of photographs of Rita’s and Walter’s graduating classes. It includes the Graduating Class General Hospital 1922, which has a portrait photograph of Rita Efner, and the University of Alberta Pharmacy Class 1920-1921, which has a portrait photograph of W.R. Stewart.

CA EDM MS-1219 · 宗卷 · 1968 - 2005

The fonds consists of the materials created by the Clifford E. Lee Foundation including minutes, financial statements, grant files, photographs, correspondence, research files, and oral history interviews.

George Stout fonds
CA EDM MS-15 · 宗卷 · 1901-[ca. 1920], 1970, 1987

The fonds consists of programmes for the school openings of L.Y. Cairns Vocation School and M.E. LaZerte Composite High School, and miscellaneous receipts in the name of Euclid N. Paradis, L’Amoureux, AB and Joseph Paradis, of St. Boniface, MB, and of Edmonton, AB.
The photographs include the ceremony for the Honourary Chief Factors of Fort Edmonton Park, 1974, honoring Christina McKnight, Richard Y. Secord and Merrill Wolf. There are also images of George as a young child to an adult and as Honorary Chief Factor at Fort Edmonton Park, hosting the Duke and Duchess of York.
File List:
File 1: Receipts for Euclid N. Paradis, L’Amoureux, AB and Joseph Paradis, St. Boniface MB and Edmonton, AB, including receipts for: Edmonton Bulletin (1901), Bank of Montreal (1903), Daly’s Tea Co. (1907), Department of Interior – Dominion Lands (1908), unknown for twine (1908), City of Edmonton Taxes (1913) and General Hospital – Edmonton (1924).
File 2: Programme for Official Opening of L.Y. Cairns Vocational School, March 20, 1970. (2 copies).
File 3: Programme for Official Opening of M.E. LaZerte Composite High School, November 27, 1970

Donald S. McKay fonds
CA EDM MS-154 · 宗卷 · 1894, 1921

The fonds consists of:

  • draft motion of the Belmont School District no. 23 re: location of school, n.d.;
  • a draft letter of commendation to an unnamed music teacher, signed by Elizabeth Mitchell (on reverse of previous item, includes notations and date, April 4, 1894);
  • tax receipt, Municipal District of Spruce Grove no. 519 to D.S. McKay, November 19, 1921.
Edward Bell fonds
CA EDM MS-155 · 宗卷 · 1912, 1963

The fonds consists of Edward Bell’s account of becoming a teacher and then principal of Bennett School, including teaching in the school’s temporary accommodations on the second floor of a house in 1912 while awaiting construction of the school building. The Bennett School moved into their new building on Gallagher flats in the spring of 1913.
The photograph is of the temporary classroom that was used before the Bennett School building was opened.

Ivor Dent fonds
CA EDM MS-157 · 宗卷 · 1924 - 2001

This fonds consists of material relating to Ivor Dent's World War II service, teaching and educational career, political involvement including his term as Mayor of Edmonton, and his family and personal life. This fonds also covers Dr. Dent's involvement with various Commonwealth Games organizations including minutes, reports, correspondence, bylaws and constitution for both the Commonwealth Games Federation and the Commonwealth Games Assocciation of Canada. On April 11, 1984, Dr. Dent was invested as a member of the Order of Canada. MS 157.9 includes Commonwealth Games Association of Canada material, political correspondence and clippings, business material, M.Ed Thesis, and other ephemera. MS 157.10 includes Commonwealth Games Association of Canada material, primarily related to the Brisbane, Australia games in 1982, the Aukland, New Zealand games in 1990, and the Victoria, British Columbia games in 1994. This also includes some material related to Dent's activities with the CGAC. Also included inthis fonds is some personal material and other ephemera. MS 157.11 includes material regarding Ivor Dent's Order of Canada, his Commonwealth Medal for the 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, his real estate dealings, his political and social activities (including the New Democratic Party, Municipal Politics, Alberta's Senatorial Election, the Alberta Council on Aging, and the Commonwealth Games Association), his father Charles Lionel Dent, his son Charles Dent, and correspondence and other papers. This fonds also contains publications, including two books from Geoffrey Handley-Taylor, What Peace Means to Me, the REport of the Chief Electoral Officer on the Provincial Senatorial Election, 1989, and Kaleidoscope of Nauru, 1983. MS 157.12 contains material for the Alberta Common Front campaign against cuts to social spending, a collection of business cards, political material, and correspondence and other materials related to Dent's volunteer and business activities. MS 157.13 consists of material on the Alberta Common Front activist movement, SOS Children's Villages of Canada, Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, Victoria Commonwealth Games Society. This fonds also includes cards for the Dent's 50th wedding anniversary, material from courses Dent taught at Grant MacEwan Community College, correspondence and other papers, and a certificate commemorating Dent's acitvity as a volunteer for the International Year of the Volunteer.

J. Gordon Sinclair fonds
CA EDM MS-16 · 宗卷 · 1930, 1946

The fonds consists of a copy of "Sixty Years Young - The Story of McKay Avenue School", compiled by Mr. Sinclair. The manuscript relates the development of the Edmonton School District No. 7, McKay Avenue School, and the general area. One newspaper clipping is also included. The oil painting by J. Gordon Sinclair, titled "Gold Washing", depicts three miners working a grizzley on the river (gold mining).
