Affichage de 11 résultats

Description archivistique
1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Edmonton Remembers VE Day collection
CA EDM MS-669 · Collection · 1939 - 1995

The collection consists of personal items, photographs, stories, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings and memorabilia relating to the experiences of some Edmontonians in the Second World War. There are also two books – ‘The Royal Canadian Legion 1926-1986’ (369.271 ROY SWI 1986) and ‘Valour Remembered: Canada and the Second World War 1939-1945’ (940.540 GIE c. 2).

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CA EDM MS-401 · Collection · [ca. 1918] - 1939

The collection consists of records transferred from the Greater Vernon Museum and Archives, as better fitting the mandate of the City of Edmonton Archives.

File list:

  1. Sheet music - The Boys of the Great Western Plains, words and music by Pte. W. Watson, 138th Batt., CEF, Edmonton; dedicated to the 49th Canadian CEF Edmonton Alberta Batt'n (Loyal Edmonton Regiment), [ca. 1918].

  2. Postcard - (of Field, BC and Mt. Stephen), addressed to Mrs. Mohr;
    Souvenir Programme - Souvenir to Commemorate the Fortieth Year of the Ministry of Rev. D.G. McQueen, 1927 - annotated with Mrs. Mohr, Vernon.

  3. Souvenir Programme - The Visit of Their Most Gracious Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to the Province of Alberta, Edmonton, 1939.

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Lorna Garrett collection
CA EDM MS-583 · Collection · 1914 - 1921, 1947

The fonds consists of one map created by the Archives and Landmarks Committee to depict historic sites in Edmonton and one photograph of the 51st Battalion (Edmonton), CEF.

Alfred Bramley-Moore collection
CA EDM MS-31 · Collection · 1898 - 1959

The collection consists of records accumulated by Alfred Bramley-Moore including a Northern Alberta Land Registration District Duplicate Certificate of Title belonging to Jonathan Hoffman, 1898, the Canadian Expeditionary Force, Divisional Cavalry - 19th Alberta Dragoons Roll of Officers, 1915 and an obituary of John J. Thompson, 1959.

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J.P. Feamley collection
CA EDM MS-424 · Collection · 1898-1950

The collection consists of various sheets of music previously belonging to Catherine and Heather Feamley, war collectibles, and ordinance maps dating from 1898 to 1950.

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Lane family Collection
CA EDM MS-623 · Collection · 1944

The collection consists of 2 propaganda pamphlets dropped by German pilots during World War II.

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Cdr. W.A. West collection
CA EDM MS-723 · Collection · 1979-1998

This collection consists of material from W.A. West's work on the book "Army of the West" on the history of western Canadian military units and their involvement in various military campaigns. This includes his research, book drafts and proofs, as well as numerous photographs. Also with this collection are files related to updating the chain of office for the Mayor of the City of Edmonton, and a scrapbook and tapes from the second ride of the Alberta Field Force from Calgary to Edmonton in 1979 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the City of Edmonton. Finally, this collection includes files, newspaper clippings and photographs related to the Prince of Wales Armoury Foundations efforts to "save" the Prince of Wales Armouries.

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Jan Olenik collection
CA EDM MS-363 · Collection · 1943-1951

The collection consists of a manuscript of personal memories from Gunner Steve McCoy entitled "FOO Party" (Forward Observation Officer) about the 1st Canadian Division and an out-patient attendance card for T.W. Bennion.

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Ken Slater collection
CA EDM MS-658 · Collection · 1959-1960
  • The fonds consists of 4 essays providing histories of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Radio System: "A brief history of the NWT & Y Radio System", "R. C. Signals
  • A History of the Northwest Territories and Yukon Radio System 1923 to 1960"
  • "North Radio Service" has colorful history by Ron Hayter
  • and "The Khaki Telco commercial activities of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals 1923 - 1959"
  • and 3 photographs which are catalogued separately.
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19th Alberta Dragoons collection
CA EDM MS-746 · Collection · 1922

This collection consists of a menu poster for the 19th Alberta Dragoons Sergeants’ Mess Annual Dinner, April 20, 1922.

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