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Bennett School - Temporary Classroom
Bennett School - Temporary Classroom
Woman seated beneath a tree
Woman seated beneath a tree
Mrs. Dodge and crab apple blossoms.
Mrs. Dodge and crab apple blossoms.
Scene at Tete Jaune Cache, Canadian Rockies, Grand Truck Pacific Route
Scene at Tete Jaune Cache, Canadian Rockies, Grand Truck Pacific Route
Little Bennie Ritchie got early preview of newly imported Christmas trees from B.C. when he buys from dealer Mike Mazurek.
Little Bennie Ritchie got early preview of newly imported Christmas trees from B.C. when he buys from dealer Mike Mazurek.
Christmas tree.
Christmas tree.
Yuletide Party at O'Connell Institute for girls calls for a large tree. Dorothy Kallal of Junior Catholic Women's League presides over the axe.
Yuletide Party at O'Connell Institute for girls calls for a large tree. Dorothy Kallal of Junior Catholic Women's League presides over the axe.
Women's Page - Gardening: Mrs. Charles Green trims tree.
Women's Page - Gardening: Mrs. Charles Green trims tree.
Edmonton Parks Department removing fluff shedding poplar trees from boulevards, to be replaced by non-shedding trees. Seen here on 100 Avenue between 113 and 114 Streets.
Edmonton Parks Department removing fluff shedding poplar trees from boulevards, to be replaced by non-shedding trees. Seen here on 100 Avenue between 113 and 114 Streets.
Albert E. "Dad" Miller, celebrating his eightieth birthday, pruning tree, Edmonton.
Albert E. "Dad" Miller, celebrating his eightieth birthday, pruning tree, Edmonton.