Affichage de 334 résultats

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334 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
The Official Party
CA EDM MS-11-EB-43-7 · Pièce · 12-Oct-62
Fait partie de Elmer E. Roper fonds

Police Headquarters Building - Opening Day.
Leave the main lobby to tour the building.
From a photo album presented to His Worship Mayor E.E. Roper by Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony, to Commemorate the Official Opening of the Police Headquarters Building, Edmonton, Alberta.

The Identification Offices
CA EDM MS-11-EB-43-8 · Pièce · 12-Oct-62
Fait partie de Elmer E. Roper fonds

Police Headquarters Building - Opening Day.
Are shown to a group of visitors by Sgt. J. Bradley.
From a photo album presented to His Worship Mayor E.E. Roper by Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony, to Commemorate the Official Opening of the Police Headquarters Building, Edmonton, Alberta.

CA EDM MS-11-EB-43-9 · Pièce · 12-Oct-62
Fait partie de Elmer E. Roper fonds

Police Headquarters Building - Opening Day.
Discuss Traffic Division work with Inspector D.W.S. Ellis.
From a photo album presented to His Worship Mayor E.E. Roper by Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony, to Commemorate the Official Opening of the Police Headquarters Building, Edmonton, Alberta.

Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony
CA EDM MS-11-EB-43-12 · Pièce · 12-Oct-62
Fait partie de Elmer E. Roper fonds

Police Headquarters Building - Opening Day.
With the official party and aides in the gymnasium.
From a photo album presented to His Worship Mayor E.E. Roper by Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony, to Commemorate the Official Opening of the Police Headquarters Building, Edmonton, Alberta.

Entering The Main Lobby
CA EDM MS-11-EB-43-6 · Pièce · 12-Oct-62
Fait partie de Elmer E. Roper fonds

Police Headquarters Building - Opening Day.
Police Headquarters Building - Opening Day.
From a photo album Police Headquarters Building - Opening Day.
Entering the main lobby are Premier E. Manning, City Commissioner J.M. Tweedle, Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony, Mayor E. Roper and The Hon. J. Percy Page.
From a photo album presented to His Worship Mayor E.E. Roper by Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony, to Commemorate the Official Opening of the Police Headquarters Building, Edmonton, Alberta.m presented to His Worship Mayor E.E. Roper by Chief Constable M.F.E. Anthony, to Commemorate the Official Opening of the Police Headquarters Building, Edmonton, Alberta.