Baseball personalities at Renfrew Park: (L-R) John Ducey, Prexy Roche and John Beatty.
Baseball players (L-R) Andy Clovechok and Doug Lane who have signed contracts to play baseball with the Edmonton Motors Cubs in the Inter-City Big Four League.
Baseball managers: (L-R) Eddie Morris (Eskimos) and Laurel Harney (Chevrolet Cubs).
Baseball opening game. First pitch of the '48 season: L-R: J. Gibbson, Deputy Mayor S. Parsons, Ed Morris.
T. Kennedy slides in for second run of game; backcatcher Carl Mori.
Baseball players. L-R: H. Pruden, G. Emberg, D. Ringrose, T. McGregor.
Baseball players. L-R: E. Jackson, I. Whitley, B. Arnold, M. Sidmen.
Children playing baseball in playground.
Baseball promotion.
Baseball players (kids). L-R: D. Bishop, A. Anderson, R. Warsden, R. Baker, J. Bishop, J. Kerswell.