The girls at the Turnip Lake School 1917-18. Dorothy Danard, Grace Huff, Margaret Laughton, Lily Marshall, Eva Laughton, Gertrude Huff, Luella Danard, and Lillian Bruce.
Grades 1-3 in the Turnip Lake School on the Namao Road (now about 149 Ave in Dickensfield) in 1917-1918. They are Luella and Lorne Danard, Sidney and Leonard Hodges, Rufus and Muriel Fearn, Lillian and Arthur Bruce, Willie Cameron, Ronald, Douglas and Norval Johnstone. They are standing on the steps used to mount horses when they rode them to school.
The Grade 7 class in Turnip Lake School in 1917-1918. Margaret Laughton (Mrs. H. Hodges), Wilbert Burton (dentist), Lily Marshal (Mrs. K. Price) standing on the little bridge to the school over the roadside ditch.
Grades 3 to 6 at the Turnip Lake School on the Namao Road in 1917-18. Norman Laughton and Hubert Burton, Dorothy Danard, Grace and Gertrude Huff, and Eva Laughton on the bridge over the ditch.
Photograph includes Dan Alton, the father of E.J. Elton who worked for the City of Edmonton's Street Cleaning and Incinerating Department, in a Hudson Car.
Children in Easter costumes. Westmount Playschool
Left to right (back row): Mabel Lowon [Emily's sister], May's Mom, Cousin May [Hong], Emily Lowon, Emily's mom, Norman Yee. Left to right (front row): [neighbour?], Dorothy Yee, Rose Yee , Jim Yee.
Subject is believed to be Margaret Chappelle.