A composite of photographs of winning brier skips from 1927-1953 presented during the MacDonald's Brier Tankard Silver Jubilee in Edmonton.
Alex May, Pro. Edmonton.
Vernon Barford, A.A.C.O., Conductor
Located north of Swift Canadian boiler going to Athabasca.
Photograph includes Dan Alton, the father of E.J. Elton who worked for the City of Edmonton's Street Cleaning and Incinerating Department, in a Hudson Car.
Mrs. M.A. Shaver, Book Keeper of Edmonton Cartage Co. and Bruce MacIntosh, employee.
Photograph includes Low Level Bridge.
Exterior view of Dominion Hotel.
Composite includes : Russ Umbach, Defence ; Pat O'Hunter, Trainer ; Frank Coulson (Manager) Home ; T.A. Mansell, President ; Art Creighton (Captain) Defence ; Charlie Smith, Defence ; Jack Delong, Goal ; Dr. A.W. MacBeth, Home ; Lyle Dingle, Defence ; Eric Collingwood, Home ; Tommy Mansell Jr., Mascot ; Wilf Kinney, Home ; Emil Martell, Home ; C.A. Herald, Member of Lacrosse Council ; Anse Young, Home ; Miles Palmer, Defence ; Ed Macrae, Home ; Charlie Brennagh, Goal ; Ira Stuart, Home.