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Kenneth William MacKenzie fonds
CA EDM MS-40 · 宗卷 · 1901, 1904

The fonds consists of records belonging to Kenneth William MacKenzie. They include:

  • An Address to Governor-General, Sir Gilbert John Elliott Murray Kynnymond [sic], 4th Earl of Minto, signed on behalf of Town of Edmonton, Kenneth William MacKenzie, September 1901;
  • A petition requesting Kenneth MacKenzie to stand as Mayor of the City of Edmonton, 1904.
Nicholas D. Beck fonds
CA EDM MS-231 · 宗卷 · 1893 - 1906

The fonds consists of personal papers of Nicholas Beck, including:

  • 8 pages of Beck's account with John Cameron General Wholesale and Retail, from 9 Feb 1893 to 1 Aug1894 (itemized list with the prices each item)
  • 2 pages of Beck's account with John Cameron General Wholesale and Retail for August & September 1894 (itemized list with the prices each item);
  • 2 cancelled cheques, Imperial Bank of Canada, 1906;
  • employment contract between the Town of Edmonton and Nicholas Beck, as Solicitor and Advocate for the Town of Edmonton, dated 28 Feb 1900.
Thomas H. Jones fonds
CA EDM MS-489 · 宗卷 · 1900 - 1907

The fonds consists of records from Thomas Henry Jones life in Edmonton, Lizzie Boyle and the Edmonton Exhibition.

File 1:
Municipality of the Town of Edmonton Tax Assessment for T.H. Jones of lots 83 & 84, 3 block HBR (Hudson’s Bay Reserve), 1902;
Northwest Territories Summon For Jurors to Thos. H. Jones, to appear at Court in Edmonton Wednesday October 1, dated September 19, 1902;
City of Edmonton Voter’s List 1904 (includes Jones, T.H.).

File 2:
Dominion Lands receipt, issued to Lizzie Boyle for scrip purchase of land, SE ¼ and E ½ of SW ¼, of Section 4, in Township 56, Range 24, west 4 Meridian, December 19, 1900 (land is near Morinville);
Envelope addressed to Miss Lizzie Boyle, c/o Harry Jones Esq (likely for Dominion Lands receipt).

File 3:
Printed programme – Alberta’s Grand Summer Fair, July 1 to 4, 1901, Edmonton (includes Citizens’ Day, Old Timers’ Day, Farmers’ Day, Americans’ Day), by the Edmonton Industrial Exhibition Association Limited;
Printed programme – Edmonton’s Annual Exhibition, 1907 (July 1-4), Official Race Programme.

Village of North Edmonton fonds
CA EDM RG-104 · 宗卷 · 1910 - 1912

The fonds consists of materials created by the Village of North Edmonton between 1910 and 1912.

An order has been imposed on the material. The arrangement includes 9 series. The series are as follows:

  • Series 1: Minutes (1910-1912)
  • Series 2: Financial Records (1910-1912)
  • Series 3: Correspondence (1911)
Civic Service Association fonds
CA EDM MS-1230 · 宗卷 · 1914 - 1916

This fonds contains meeting minutes from the Civic Service Association. In June of 1914, the Civic Service Club voted to become the Civic Service Association. The minutes detail activities and structure of the Association during the period of 1914 to 1916 including administration, social activities for members, and interactions with government.

File list:
File 1: Civic Service Association executive meeting minutes, June 1914 - April 1916
File 2: Civic Service Club / Association general meeting minutes, June 1914 - January 1916

Kenneth A. McLeod fonds
CA EDM MS-7 · 宗卷 · 1910 - 1917

The fonds consists of a scrapbook, mostly of newspaper clippings, created by Kenneth A. McLeod relating to the Government of Premier A. F. Sifton, Government of Alberta. The clippings cover a variety of topics, subjects and people, including:

  • Alberta: provincial finances, natural resources, politics and government
  • railways: the Canadian Northern Railway, Canadian Northern Western Railway, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway, Grand Trunk and Pacific Railway
  • people: Donald Baker, R.B. Bennet, J.R. Boyle, G.H.V. Bulyea, Archy Campbell, W.R. Clarke, J.L. Cote, C.W. Cross, W.H. Cushing, Peter Gunn, George Hoadley, Robert Jaffray, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Peter E. Lessard, A.J. McArthur, J.D. McArthur, John A. McDougall, A.J. (Archie) McLean, Duncan Marshall, Edward M. Michener, C.M. O’Brien, Frank Oliver, William Franklin Puffer, E.H. Riley, Harold Riley, Alexander Cameron Rutherford, Walter Scott, Arthur Lewis Sifton, Clifford Sifton, John W. Sifton, Charles Stewart, Robert Taylor Telford, T.M. Tweedie.
  • current events at the time: freedom of the press, women’s suffrage, World War I (1914-1918).
    The fonds also includes the book, The Last of the Buffalo: Comprising a History of the Buffalo Herd of the Flathead Reservation and An Account of the Great Round Up, by Tom Jones and Norman Luxtion, 1909 (599.64 JOH o/s).
Alexander Naismith Mouat fonds
CA EDM MS-748 · 宗卷 · 1916 - 1917

This fonds consists of a photograph of Alexander Naismith Mouat, 1916 and a certificate of appreciation on his resignation as City of Edmonton’s Comptroller, 1917.

CA EDM RG-26 · 宗卷 · 1905 - 1928

Fonds consists of records kept regarding the different types of licenses granted by the City in the early 1900s. It also includes examples of licenses purchased from the City.

The fonds consists of the following files:

  • File 1: Ledger of Licenses Granted (1909-1911)
  • File 2: Ledger of Dog Tags Issued (1905-1909)
  • File 3: Ledger of Dog Tags Issued (1909-1911)
  • File 4: Ledger containing Business Licenses Issued (1908-1911) and Dog Tags Issued (1908-1922)
  • File 5: License issued to Mah Jim to keep a restaurant at 264 Namayo Avenue known as “The Frisco Restaurant” (1909)
  • File 6: Dog tag #2451, issued to Mrs. L. Doherty for a black spaniel (1918)
  • File 7: Dray license #160 for a two horse vehicle (1928)
  • File 8: License register (1905-1909)
  • File 9: Ledger of documents stamped with the seal of the City of Edmonton (1914-1915)
  • File 10: Licenses Paid (1915-1916)
John Joseph Duggan fonds
CA EDM MS-28 · 宗卷 · 1897 - 1939

This fonds consists of personal papers of John J. Duggan as well as some records for the Town/City of Strathcona, including Duggan’s mayoral candidacy.
The photographs are predominantly of the activities of the Old Timers’ association but there is also one of the first hand car into Edmonton.

John Paterson fonds
CA EDM MS-860 · 宗卷 · [ca. 1950]

The fonds consists of photographs of City of Edmonton employees who worked with John Paterson.
