This series consists of thematic and format-based finding aids created by the Archivists, or students and volunteers under their direction, to assist researchers looking for material related to specific subjects across collections (MS fonds or RG [government] records collections) or materials in various formats of records (i.e. publications or posters). There is usually an informative essay providing context about the subject. The material may be divided into subsections in a table of contents to assist the researcher in selecting the kinds of material desired for their search. Each finding aid will be as comprehensive as possible at the time it was created - but other material may be discoverable in the archives as more material is processed or added to collections.
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1 résultats avec objets numériques
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CA EDM RG-200-5
2012 - ?
Fait partie de City of Edmonton Archives Collection
CA EDM RG-200-7
1967 - 1996
Fait partie de City of Edmonton Archives Collection
In the 1960s, the Archives and Landmarks Committee conducted oral history interviews of several Edmontonians including private citizens and retired City staff. When the City of Edmonton Archives was formed in 1971, the Archives took over the project and continued with the interviews, eventually expanding the scope of the project to encompass contemporary City Councillors and Mayors.
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