Batson, Nellie; Butcher, Ruth; Carmichael, Bill; Crafts, Cliff; Field, Richard; Forin, Jack; Foster, Roy; Geddes, Elsie; Hamby, Calvin; Horner, Vic; Horrocks, Winnifred; Hutchings, Olive; Jaffray, Steward; Jones, Hazel; Kelly, Queena; Lee, Margaret; McCappin, Bruce; McCualey, Jim; McKitrick, Olive; McKitrick, Winnifred; McLennan, Susie; Pheasy, Mamie; Ponton, Pat; Simonson, Hannah; Smith, Paul; Turnbull, Crawford; Wood, Emma
Likely includes some of the children of Richard and Fanny Ottewell.
Likely includes some of the children of Richard & Fanny Ottewell.
Teacher - Mr. W. J. Bower. Top left - Ivan Lindsay, Fred Jackson, Ernie Phillips, Frank Simmons, Will (or Zeke) Keith, Sam Swift, Nellie Jackson; Middle - Emma Wakeford, Madge Doze, Jane Ottewell, Mary Swift; Bottom left - ? Phillips, Victor Bell, Cyrus Wilkinson, Acy Bell, Flossie Daly, Leadie (Leitta) Wafeford.
Likely W.P. Wagner is in the group.
George is on the left.
Probably at the train station.
Unidentified child standing in a back yard and using a potted plant for support.
Three unidentified children, one holding a cat, standing on a porch. Appears to be the same porch as in EA-793-62, probably at the boarding house where the photographer roomed.