Affichage de 312 résultats

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Baseball team; House of David, Doc Tally.
Baseball team; House of David, Doc Tally.
Eleana Ponas, batting; Ken Hesp , catching.
Eleana Ponas, batting; Ken Hesp , catching.
Don Jones, baseball player from Seattle, Washington.
Don Jones, baseball player from Seattle, Washington.
Brooklyn Dodgers: baseball school, Haward Heak.
Brooklyn Dodgers: baseball school, Haward Heak.
Charley Welchell, pitching instructor.
Charley Welchell, pitching instructor.
Back-catcher for baseball school.
Back-catcher for baseball school.
Bulletin's wooden face: competition winner, B. Clarke.
Bulletin's wooden face: competition winner, B. Clarke.
Two boys: winners of Bulletin competition in their age category.
Two boys: winners of Bulletin competition in their age category.
Boys' baseball team.
Boys' baseball team.
Boys' baseball team.
Boys' baseball team.