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Baseball banquets. L-R: Al Purvis, Jim Ryan, Frank Wolfe, John McManus, Slim Covinski, Reg Clarkson.
Baseball banquets. L-R: Al Purvis, Jim Ryan, Frank Wolfe, John McManus, Slim Covinski, Reg Clarkson.
High school football practice.  St. Joseph's High School's football team practices.
High school football practice. St. Joseph's High School's football team practices.
Maple Leafs, Alberta Junior Rugby, team member.
Maple Leafs, Alberta Junior Rugby, team member.
Sid Vernon Roche, president of Big Four Baseball League.
Sid Vernon Roche, president of Big Four Baseball League.
Mona Adamson fishing.
Mona Adamson fishing.
Children playing in playground.
Children playing in playground.
Lawn bowling.
Lawn bowling.
Fred Munshaw, CHarles Gould and Joe McLafferty lawn bowling at Garneau.
Fred Munshaw, CHarles Gould and Joe McLafferty lawn bowling at Garneau.
Lawn bowling.
Lawn bowling.
Swift prize draw: Tom Owan and John Peter.
Swift prize draw: Tom Owan and John Peter.