This sub-series consists of:
Minutes, 1947, 1957-1966. [files 1-8]
General correspondence files, 1947-1968. These files appear to have been predominantly created by the committee secretaries Margaret Williams (1947-1956) and Garnet Kyle (1957-1962) and may have been continued by M. Gertrude Ragan (1962-1966). [files 9-33]
Topical files, 1930-1970. The contents of these files appear to have been created primarily by Garnet Kyle and M. Gertrude Ragan, committee secretaries. The series may have been created by M. Gertrude Ragan. [files 34-107]
Files found in the collection and repatriated to this subseries. [files 108-118]
Scrapbook, 1951-1966. The contents relate to the activities of the Committee. [file 112]