The fonds consists of research papers written by Raymond Corley on the history and development of the Edmonton Interurban Railway and the Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific Railway.
The Edmonton Interurban Railway ran between Edmonton and St. Albert. The line opened on September 30, 1913, and was partially phased into the Edmonton Radial Railway System in 1916. In 1920, the system was purchased by the City of Edmonton.
The Edmonton, Yukon & Pacific Railway was the first railway built into Edmonton, before amalgamation with Strathcona. The EY&P railway connected with the Calgary and Edmonton Railway (C&E) and eventually became part of the Canadian North Railway.
The records include the original research papers, with subsequent revisions.
Note – the later revisions are only the pages that were changed, not the entire paper.
File List:
File 1. Edmonton Interurban Railway - original paper 1970/1971 (2 c.), revised 1983; revised pages 1987.
File 2. Edmonton, Yukon & Pacific Railway, original paper – original paper 1968, revised pages n.d., revision 1970/1971, revision Dec 1971, revised pages 1972, revised pages 1987.